StateaDate of First Retail Cannabis SaleCannabisbBeer and WinecAlcohol (Beer, Wine, and Liquor)cTobaccocCannabis Revenue Relative to Beer and WineCannabis Revenue Relative to AlcoholCannabis Revenue Relative to Tobacco
Estimated ExciseTax Revenuein 2018(millions)
ColoradoJan. 2014$243.5$15.1$46.3$206.816.15.3 1.2
WashingtonJuly 2014$368.5$59$381.7$449.56.21.0 0.8
OregonOct. 2015$110$20.5$256.5$2705.40.4 0.4
AlaskaOct. 2016$20.6$20.2$45.3$ 0.2
NevadaJuly 2017$87.6$21.7$49.3$ 0.4
CaliforniaJan. 2018$209.4$167.7$379$2123.11.20.6 0.1
Number of states where cannabis tax revenue is larger6 / 62 / 61 / 6
SIX-STATE TOTAL$1039.6$304.2$1158.1$3368.63.40.9 0.3

a Sorted by date of first taxable retail sale of cannabis for non-medical purposes. Massachusetts is excluded as it is not yet reporting cannabis tax revenue data.
b Includes state and local excise taxes applying exclusively to cannabis. Excludes state and local general sales taxes, gross receipts taxes, license fees, income taxes, and other levies. Actual revenue data for CY2018 are available through November in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington, through October in Nevada, and through September in California. Colorado is the only state for which full-year data were available for CY2018. For the other five states, projected revenues for the remainder of 2018 assume collections continue at the level reported in the most recent month for which data are available, except in Alaska where officials provided a revenue projection for December 2018. Local cannabis excise estimates in Alaska were extrapolated based on data reported by the cities of Anchorage and Fairbanks, and from the state's Department of Revenue.
c Beer, wine, and liquor revenue data are generally based in FY2017 and then grown at varying rates calculated by ITEP using state-level data to arrive at a CY2018 estimate. Tobacco data are generally FY2017 estimates grown by 1 percent to approximate CY2018 levels. In California, CY2018 estimates for alcohol and tobacco are an average of the FY2018 and FY2019 amounts reported in the governor's FY2020 budget proposal.