Low-wage workers today have achieved more education than 20 years ago: The share of low-wage workers with a bachelor's or advanced degree has almost doubled

The bars show the share of workers who were paid low wages in 2022 compared to 2000, by the highest level of education attained. In 2000, 6.1% of low-wage workers had attained a bachelor's degree, but by 2022, that number almost doubled to 11.9%.

Bar chart comparing low-wage work prevalence across California in 2000 and 2022, according to the highest level of educational attainment: less than high school, high school graduate or GED, some college, Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree, or Advanced degree. Relative to 2000, the share of low-wage workers with less than a high school degree has dropped dramatically from 34.7% to 20.7% in 2022. Meanwhile, the share of low-wage workers with Associate's, Bachelor's, or Advanced degrees has increased.