Data below shows how Texans voted in presidential elections since being admitted to the Union in 1845. The first election after becoming a state was three years later, in 1848.
In 1861, Texas seceded from the United States and joined the Confederate States of America. Texas was readmitted to the Union in 1870 during Reconstruction and voted in the next election in 1872.
Year | 1988 |
Name | George Bush |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 3,036,829 |
Year | |
Name | Michael Dukakis |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 2,352,748 |
Year | |
Name | Ron Paul |
Party | Lib |
Votes | 30,355 |
Year | |
Name | Lenora Fulani |
Party | New All |
Votes | 7,208 |
Year | |
Name | Bobby Locke |
Party | W-I |
Votes | 98 |
Year | |
Name | Willa Kenoyer |
Party | W-I |
Votes | 62 |
Year | |
Name | James Warren |
Party | W-I |
Votes | 110 |
Year | 1984 |
Name | Walter Mondale |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 1,949,276 |
Year | |
Name | Ronald Reagan |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 3,433,428 |
Year | |
Name | Lyndon LaRouche |
Party | Ind |
Votes | 14,613 |
Year | |
Name | Gus Hall |
Party | W-I |
Votes | 126 |
Year | |
Name | Sonia Johnson |
Party | W-I |
Votes | 87 |
Year | |
Name | Dennis Serrette |
Party | W-I |
Votes | 41 |
Year | 1980 |
Name | Ronald Reagan |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 2,510,705 |
Year | |
Name | Jimmy Carter |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 1,881,147 |
Year | |
Name | Ed Clark |
Party | Lib |
Votes | 37,643 |
Year | |
Name | John Anderson |
Party | NUC |
Votes | 111,613 |
Year | |
Name | Other Candidates |
Party | |
Votes | 529 |
Year | 1976 |
Name | Jimmy Carter |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 2,082,319 |
Year | |
Name | Gerald Ford |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 1,953,300 |
Year | |
Name | Thomas Anderson |
Party | American Party |
Votes | 11,442 |
Year | |
Name | Peter Camejo |
Party | Soc Work |
Votes | 1,723 |
Year | |
Name | Eugene McCarthy |
Party | Ind |
Votes | 20,118 |
Year | |
Name | Write-In Votes |
Party | |
Votes | 2,982 |
Year | 1972 |
Name | George McGovern |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 1,154,289 |
Year | |
Name | Richard Nixon |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 2,298,896 |
Year | |
Name | Linda Jenness |
Party | Soc. Labor |
Votes | 8,664 |
Year | |
Name | John Schmitz |
Party | American Independent |
Votes | 6,039 |
Year | 1968 |
Name | Hubert Humphrey |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 1,266,804 |
Year | |
Name | Richard Nixon |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 1,227,844 |
Year | |
Name | George Wallace |
Party | Am. Ind. |
Votes | 584,269 |
Year | 1964 |
Name | Lyndon Johnson |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 1,663,185 |
Year | |
Name | Barry Goldwater |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 958,566 |
Year | |
Name | Joseph Lightburn |
Party | Con |
Votes | 5,060 |
Year | 1960 |
Name | John Kennedy |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 1,167,932 |
Year | |
Name | Richard Nixon |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 1,121,699 |
Year | |
Name | Charles Sullivan |
Party | Con |
Votes | 18,169 |
Year | |
Name | Rutherford Decker |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 3,870 |
Year | 1956 |
Name | Adlai Stevenson |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 859,958 |
Year | |
Name | Dwight Eisenhower |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 1,080,619 |
Year | |
Name | T. Coleman Andrews |
Party | Con |
Votes | 14,591 |
Year | 1952 |
Name | Adlai Stevenson |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 969,228 |
Year | |
Name | Dwight Eisenhower |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 1,102,878 |
Year | |
Name | Vincent Hallinan |
Party | Prog |
Votes | 294 |
Year | |
Name | Stuart Hamblen |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 1,983 |
Year | |
Name | Douglas MacArthur |
Party | Constitution Party |
Votes | 1,563 |
Year | 1948 |
Name | Harry Truman |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 750,700 |
Year | |
Name | Thomas Dewey |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 282,240 |
Year | |
Name | J. Strom Thurmond |
Party | States' Rights Democratic |
Votes | 106,909 |
Year | |
Name | Henry Wallace |
Party | Prog |
Votes | 3,764 |
Year | |
Name | Norman Thomas |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 874 |
Year | |
Name | Claude Watson |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 2,758 |
Year | 1944 |
Name | Franklin Roosevelt |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 821,605 |
Year | |
Name | Thomas Dewey |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 191,425 |
Year | |
Name | Norman Thomas |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 594 |
Year | |
Name | Claude Watson |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 1,017 |
Year | |
Name | Gerald L. K. Smith |
Party | Am. 1st |
Votes | 251 |
Year | |
Name | |
Party | Texas Regulars |
Votes | 135,439 |
Year | 1940 |
Name | Franklin Roosevelt |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 840,151 |
Year | |
Name | Wendell Willkie |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 199,152 |
Year | |
Name | Norman Thomas |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 728 |
Year | |
Name | Roger Babson |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 925 |
Year | |
Name | Earl Browder |
Party | Com |
Votes | 212 |
Year | 1936 |
Name | Franklin Roosevelt |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 734,485 |
Year | |
Name | Alfred Landon |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 103,874 |
Year | |
Name | Norman Thomas |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 1,075 |
Year | |
Name | Earl Browder |
Party | Com |
Votes | 253 |
Year | |
Name | D. Leigh Colvin |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 514 |
Year | |
Name | William Lemke |
Party | Union |
Votes | 3,281 |
Year | 1932 |
Name | Franklin Roosevelt |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 760,348 |
Year | |
Name | Herbert Hoover |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 97,959 |
Year | |
Name | William Foster |
Party | Com |
Votes | 207 |
Year | |
Name | |
Party | Jacksonian |
Votes | 104 |
Year | |
Name | W. H. Harvey |
Party | Liberty |
Votes | 324 |
Year | |
Name | Norman Thomas |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 4,450 |
Year | 1928 |
Name | Alfred Smith |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 341,032 |
Year | |
Name | Herbert Hoover |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 367,036 |
Year | |
Name | Norman Thomas |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 722 |
Year | |
Name | William Foster |
Party | Com |
Votes | 209 |
Year | 1924 |
Name | John Davis |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 484,605 |
Year | |
Name | Calvin Coolidge |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 130,023 |
Year | |
Name | Robert La Follette |
Party | Prog |
Votes | 42,881 |
Year | 1920 |
Name | James Cox |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 288,767 |
Year | |
Name | Warren Harding |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 114,538 |
Year | |
Name | |
Party | B & T Rep |
Votes | 27,247 |
Year | |
Name | Eugene Debs |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 8,121 |
Year | |
Name | James Ferguson |
Party | American |
Votes | 47,968 |
Year | 1916 |
Name | Woodrow Wilson |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 286,514 |
Year | |
Name | Charles Hughes |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 64,999 |
Year | |
Name | Allan Benson |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 18,969 |
Year | |
Name | J. Frank Hanly |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 1,985 |
Year | 1912 |
Name | Woodrow Wilson |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 221,589 |
Year | |
Name | William Taft |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 26,755 |
Year | |
Name | Theodore Roosevelt |
Party | Prog |
Votes | 28,853 |
Year | |
Name | Eugene Debs |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 25,743 |
Year | |
Name | Eugene Chafin |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 1,738 |
Year | |
Name | Arthur Reimer |
Party | Soc. Labor |
Votes | 442 |
Year | 1908 |
Name | William Bryan |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 217,302 |
Year | |
Name | William Taft |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 65,666 |
Year | |
Name | Eugene Debs |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 7,870 |
Year | |
Name | Eugene Chafin |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 1,634 |
Year | |
Name | Thomas Hisgen |
Party | Indep |
Votes | 115 |
Year | |
Name | Thomas Watson |
Party | People's |
Votes | 994 |
Year | |
Name | August Gillhaus |
Party | Soc. Labor |
Votes | 176 |
Year | 1904 |
Name | Alton Parker |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 167,200 |
Year | |
Name | Theodore Roosevelt |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 51,242 |
Year | |
Name | Eugene Debs |
Party | Soc |
Votes | 2,791 |
Year | |
Name | Silas Swallow |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 4,292 |
Year | |
Name | Thomas Watson |
Party | Pop |
Votes | 8,062 |
Year | |
Name | Charles Corregan |
Party | Soc. Labor |
Votes | 421 |
Year | 1900 |
Name | William Bryan |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 267,432 |
Year | |
Name | William McKinley |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 130,641 |
Year | |
Name | John Wooley |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 2,644 |
Year | |
Name | Eugene Debs |
Party | Social-Democratic |
Votes | 1,846 |
Year | |
Name | Wharton Barker |
Party | People's |
Votes | 20,981 |
Year | |
Name | Joseph Malloney |
Party | Soc. Labor |
Votes | 162 |
Year | 1896 |
Name | William Bryan |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 370,434 |
Year | |
Name | William McKinley |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 167,520 |
Year | |
Name | John McA. Palmer |
Party | Nat Dem |
Votes | 5,046 |
Year | |
Name | Joshua Levering |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 1,786 |
Year | 1892 |
Name | Grover Cleveland |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 239,148 |
Year | |
Name | Benjaman Harrison |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 81,144 |
Year | |
Name | James Weaver |
Party | People's |
Votes | 99,688 |
Year | |
Name | John Bidwell |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 2,165 |
Year | 1888 |
Name | Grover Cleveland |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 234,883 |
Year | |
Name | Benjamin Harrison |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 88,422 |
Year | |
Name | Alson Streeter |
Party | Union Labor |
Votes | 29,459 |
Year | |
Name | Clinton Fisk |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 4,749 |
Year | 1884 |
Name | Grover Cleveland |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 225,309 |
Year | |
Name | James Blaine |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 93,141 |
Year | |
Name | Benjamin Butler |
Party | Greenback |
Votes | 3,321 |
Year | |
Name | John St. John |
Party | Prohi |
Votes | 3,534 |
Year | 1880 |
Name | Winfield Hancock |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 156,428 |
Year | |
Name | James Garfield |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 57,893 |
Year | |
Name | James Weaver |
Party | Greenback L |
Votes | 27,405 |
Year | 1876 |
Name | Samuel Tilden |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 104,755 |
Year | |
Name | Rutherford Hayes |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 44,800 |
Year | 1872 |
Name | Horace Greeley |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 66,546 |
Year | |
Name | Ulysses Grant |
Party | Rep |
Votes | 47,468 |
Year | |
Name | Charles O'Conor |
Party | S-O Dem |
Votes | 2,580 |
Year | 1860 |
Name | John Breckinridge |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 47,548 |
Year | |
Name | John Bell |
Party | Con'l Union |
Votes | 15,438 |
Year | 1856 |
Name | James Buchanan |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 31,169 |
Year | |
Name | Millard Fillmore |
Party | Whig |
Votes | 15,639 |
Year | 1852 |
Name | Franklin Pierce |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 13,552 |
Year | |
Name | Winfield Scott |
Party | Whig |
Votes | 4,995 |
Year | 1848 |
Name | Lewis Cass |
Party | Dem |
Votes | 10,668 |
Year | |
Name | Zachary Taylor |
Party | Whig |
Votes | 4,509 |
1988 | George Bush | Rep | 3,036,829 |
Michael Dukakis | Dem | 2,352,748 | |
Ron Paul | Lib | 30,355 | |
Lenora Fulani | New All | 7,208 | |
Bobby Locke | W-I | 98 | |
Willa Kenoyer | W-I | 62 | |
James Warren | W-I | 110 | |
1984 | Walter Mondale | Dem | 1,949,276 |
Ronald Reagan | Rep | 3,433,428 | |
Lyndon LaRouche | Ind | 14,613 | |
Gus Hall | W-I | 126 | |
Sonia Johnson | W-I | 87 | |
Dennis Serrette | W-I | 41 | |
1980 | Ronald Reagan | Rep | 2,510,705 |
Jimmy Carter | Dem | 1,881,147 | |
Ed Clark | Lib | 37,643 | |
John Anderson | NUC | 111,613 | |
Other Candidates | 529 | ||
1976 | Jimmy Carter | Dem | 2,082,319 |
Gerald Ford | Rep | 1,953,300 | |
Thomas Anderson | American Party | 11,442 | |
Peter Camejo | Soc Work | 1,723 | |
Eugene McCarthy | Ind | 20,118 | |
Write-In Votes | 2,982 | ||
1972 | George McGovern | Dem | 1,154,289 |
Richard Nixon | Rep | 2,298,896 | |
Linda Jenness | Soc. Labor | 8,664 | |
John Schmitz | American Independent | 6,039 | |
1968 | Hubert Humphrey | Dem | 1,266,804 |
Richard Nixon | Rep | 1,227,844 | |
George Wallace | Am. Ind. | 584,269 | |
1964 | Lyndon Johnson | Dem | 1,663,185 |
Barry Goldwater | Rep | 958,566 | |
Joseph Lightburn | Con | 5,060 | |
1960 | John Kennedy | Dem | 1,167,932 |
Richard Nixon | Rep | 1,121,699 | |
Charles Sullivan | Con | 18,169 | |
Rutherford Decker | Prohi | 3,870 | |
1956 | Adlai Stevenson | Dem | 859,958 |
Dwight Eisenhower | Rep | 1,080,619 | |
T. Coleman Andrews | Con | 14,591 | |
1952 | Adlai Stevenson | Dem | 969,228 |
Dwight Eisenhower | Rep | 1,102,878 | |
Vincent Hallinan | Prog | 294 | |
Stuart Hamblen | Prohi | 1,983 | |
Douglas MacArthur | Constitution Party | 1,563 | |
1948 | Harry Truman | Dem | 750,700 |
Thomas Dewey | Rep | 282,240 | |
J. Strom Thurmond | States' Rights Democratic | 106,909 | |
Henry Wallace | Prog | 3,764 | |
Norman Thomas | Soc | 874 | |
Claude Watson | Prohi | 2,758 | |
1944 | Franklin Roosevelt | Dem | 821,605 |
Thomas Dewey | Rep | 191,425 | |
Norman Thomas | Soc | 594 | |
Claude Watson | Prohi | 1,017 | |
Gerald L. K. Smith | Am. 1st | 251 | |
Texas Regulars | 135,439 | ||
1940 | Franklin Roosevelt | Dem | 840,151 |
Wendell Willkie | Rep | 199,152 | |
Norman Thomas | Soc | 728 | |
Roger Babson | Prohi | 925 | |
Earl Browder | Com | 212 | |
1936 | Franklin Roosevelt | Dem | 734,485 |
Alfred Landon | Rep | 103,874 | |
Norman Thomas | Soc | 1,075 | |
Earl Browder | Com | 253 | |
D. Leigh Colvin | Prohi | 514 | |
William Lemke | Union | 3,281 | |
1932 | Franklin Roosevelt | Dem | 760,348 |
Herbert Hoover | Rep | 97,959 | |
William Foster | Com | 207 | |
Jacksonian | 104 | ||
W. H. Harvey | Liberty | 324 | |
Norman Thomas | Soc | 4,450 | |
1928 | Alfred Smith | Dem | 341,032 |
Herbert Hoover | Rep | 367,036 | |
Norman Thomas | Soc | 722 | |
William Foster | Com | 209 | |
1924 | John Davis | Dem | 484,605 |
Calvin Coolidge | Rep | 130,023 | |
Robert La Follette | Prog | 42,881 | |
1920 | James Cox | Dem | 288,767 |
Warren Harding | Rep | 114,538 | |
B & T Rep | 27,247 | ||
Eugene Debs | Soc | 8,121 | |
James Ferguson | American | 47,968 | |
1916 | Woodrow Wilson | Dem | 286,514 |
Charles Hughes | Rep | 64,999 | |
Allan Benson | Soc | 18,969 | |
J. Frank Hanly | Prohi | 1,985 | |
1912 | Woodrow Wilson | Dem | 221,589 |
William Taft | Rep | 26,755 | |
Theodore Roosevelt | Prog | 28,853 | |
Eugene Debs | Soc | 25,743 | |
Eugene Chafin | Prohi | 1,738 | |
Arthur Reimer | Soc. Labor | 442 | |
1908 | William Bryan | Dem | 217,302 |
William Taft | Rep | 65,666 | |
Eugene Debs | Soc | 7,870 | |
Eugene Chafin | Prohi | 1,634 | |
Thomas Hisgen | Indep | 115 | |
Thomas Watson | People's | 994 | |
August Gillhaus | Soc. Labor | 176 | |
1904 | Alton Parker | Dem | 167,200 |
Theodore Roosevelt | Rep | 51,242 | |
Eugene Debs | Soc | 2,791 | |
Silas Swallow | Prohi | 4,292 | |
Thomas Watson | Pop | 8,062 | |
Charles Corregan | Soc. Labor | 421 | |
1900 | William Bryan | Dem | 267,432 |
William McKinley | Rep | 130,641 | |
John Wooley | Prohi | 2,644 | |
Eugene Debs | Social-Democratic | 1,846 | |
Wharton Barker | People's | 20,981 | |
Joseph Malloney | Soc. Labor | 162 | |
1896 | William Bryan | Dem | 370,434 |
William McKinley | Rep | 167,520 | |
John McA. Palmer | Nat Dem | 5,046 | |
Joshua Levering | Prohi | 1,786 | |
1892 | Grover Cleveland | Dem | 239,148 |
Benjaman Harrison | Rep | 81,144 | |
James Weaver | People's | 99,688 | |
John Bidwell | Prohi | 2,165 | |
1888 | Grover Cleveland | Dem | 234,883 |
Benjamin Harrison | Rep | 88,422 | |
Alson Streeter | Union Labor | 29,459 | |
Clinton Fisk | Prohi | 4,749 | |
1884 | Grover Cleveland | Dem | 225,309 |
James Blaine | Rep | 93,141 | |
Benjamin Butler | Greenback | 3,321 | |
John St. John | Prohi | 3,534 | |
1880 | Winfield Hancock | Dem | 156,428 |
James Garfield | Rep | 57,893 | |
James Weaver | Greenback L | 27,405 | |
1876 | Samuel Tilden | Dem | 104,755 |
Rutherford Hayes | Rep | 44,800 | |
1872 | Horace Greeley | Dem | 66,546 |
Ulysses Grant | Rep | 47,468 | |
Charles O'Conor | S-O Dem | 2,580 | |
1860 | John Breckinridge | Dem | 47,548 |
John Bell | Con'l Union | 15,438 | |
1856 | James Buchanan | Dem | 31,169 |
Millard Fillmore | Whig | 15,639 | |
1852 | Franklin Pierce | Dem | 13,552 |
Winfield Scott | Whig | 4,995 | |
1848 | Lewis Cass | Dem | 10,668 |
Zachary Taylor | Whig | 4,509 |