Which of the following, if any, are the main reasons why you are satisfied with your current job? Please pick all that apply. Data: The type of work that you do 43% Your work-life balance 38% Your colleagues 36% How interesting you find your work 35% How secure your job is 35% Your pay 34% The hours or shifts you have to work 32% How flexible the hours you work are 30% How far you have to travel to work 29% How much control you have over your job 25% How much you work from home 21% The overall culture at work 21% Your workload / how much or how intensively you have to work 20% Your line manager 19% How much your views are listened to 14% The public reputation of your work 13% The amount of training or opportunities to develop your skills 13% Senior management 9% Whether you have opportunities to progress your career or be promoted 9% Other (Please specify) 0% None of the above 1% Don’t know 0% Base: 918 Online British workers aged 18-75 satisfied with their job, 21-22 January 2022