Renewable energy investments and expansions of power transmission
Energy efficiency programs and improvements to public housing and buildings
Land management programs and improvement of ecosystems, especially in bushfire areas
Transport infrastructure and public transport projects
Directly supports low carbon objectives.
Retrofits and upgrades to buildings (e.g. for energy efficiency, electric heating and rooftop solar) support low carbon objectives.
Employment effects are strong, with jobs and business opportunities created in regional and rural areas.
Assessment is highly dependent on particular projects and context.
Economic case for renewables supply expansion is strong, including through lower electricity prices.
Building works bring large and localized employment impacts and benefits for small and medium sized businesses.
Some types of projects, such as afforestation, directly support low carbon objectives.
Timeliness can be achieved in small-scale projects or by fast-tracking projects that are in advanced stages of preparation. This may not be the case for many projects in the pipeline, especially large and complex projects.
Employment impacts are significant for large scale renewables projects during the construction phase, some ongoing jobs in operation and maintenance roles. Jobs are largely in regional and rural areas.
Economic case is strong. Provides future savings on energy costs and can improve the future fiscal positions of Federal, State and local governments.
Other environmental benefits arise by definition.
Employment effects are generally strong. Smaller projects, such as building and refurbishing footpaths/cycle paths, may employ people without specialised skills.
Impacts on the local environment need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Social benefits can be significant esp. in public housing and for low income earners.
Longer term economic benefits can occur through regional revitalisation and by making rural areas more attractive for tourism or as a place of residence.
To the extent that transport projects lead to reductions in passenger vehicle traffic, they contribute to low carbon objectives.
Timeliness of renewables investment depends the state of preparation of individual projects and options to fast-track projects. Scale-ability of renewables projects can enable early start of parts of larger projects such as Renewable Energy Zones.
Timeliness is usually excellent. Building improvement projects can be started quickly and are highly scalable.
Implementation risks tend to be low when existing programs are expanded.
Social benefits can arise from projects that increase active travel, including the health benefits from walking and cycling, and from projects that provide better connectivity across cities and reduce travel time or increase safety.