Current College Students (n=1002)
Caregiving College Students (n=112)
Black College Students (n=142)
Latinx College Students (n=200)
High School Seniors (n=200)
Getting a job that fits my degree once I graduate
Getting any type of job once I graduate
My friends and family catching the coronavirus
Catching the coronavirus or spreading it to others
Being able to pay my tuition bill
Paying off my student loan debt in the future
Getting a full-time or part-time job in the next few months
Having to help with distance learning for my children while I work or go to school
Being able to pay my non-education related bills
Abrupt closures of colleges and universities
Having access to childcare while I am in school or while I work
Getting a degree that is less valuable because it was online
My institution not giving me timely updates on coronavirus outbreaks at my school
My institution not providing proper protective equipment or testing to keep me and my classmate safe
Transfering coursework credits to another school