AAA | Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, Good driver, Good student, Defensive driving, Low mileage, Membership, Loyalty, Pay in full, Automatic payment
Allstate | Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, New car, Good student, TeenSMART driver education, Safe driver, Anti-theft device, Early signing, Responsible payer, Paperless, EZ pay plan, Full pay, Senior citizen
Auto-Owners | Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, Safe driver, Student away at school, Good student, Teen driver monitoring, Safety features, Paid in full, Paperless
Erie | Safe driver, Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, First accident forgiveness, Diminishing deductible, Age 55+, New car, Paid in full, Reduced usage, Young driver
Farmers | Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, Good student, Mature driver, Homeowner, Business and professional group, Alternative fuel, Bundling, Safe driver, Pay in full, E-policy, Early shopping
Liberty Mutual | Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, Good student, Newly married, Newly retired, New move, Good driver, Anti-theft device, Alternative energy, Pay in full, Online purchase, Military, Student away at school
Nationwide | Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, Good student, Safe driver, Anti-theft device, Defensive driving, Long-term policyholder, Paperless, Automatic payment
Progressive | Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, Homeowner, Continuous insurance, Good student, Teen driver, Distant student, Snapshot (usage-based), Safe driver, Pay in full, Automatic payment
The General | Multi-vehicle, Good student, Defensive driving, Homeowner, Military, Senior citizen, Safe driver
USAA | Safe driver, Defensive driving, Multi-policy, Multi-vehicle, Good student, Family discount, Vehicle storage, New vehicle, Annual mileage, Military installation |