Median home prices in Indiana

The median price of a home – including condos and townhomes – in Indiana has gone up steadily in about a decade, from about $125,000 in 2014 to $242,300 in 2023. Housing experts say environmental regulations aren’t the biggest drivers when it comes to home prices, but all of those small requirements do add up.

A vertical bar graph display medium blew stacks that grow slowly taller. It illustrates that in 2014, the median home price in Indiana was $125,000. That grew to $132,250 in 2015, $138,400 in 2016, $145,999.00 in 2017, $157,900 in 2018, $168,800 in 2019, $185,000 in 2020, $210,00 in 2021, $235,000 in 2022, and $242,300 in 2024.