Save for a Condo in Less Than 10 Years as a Solo Buyer in These Cities

Saving for a 20% down payment on your own can be challenging, but choosing a condo apartment could accelerate your savings timeline. Assuming an average savings balance of $20,540 and an annual savings rate of 10%, it would take a solo buyer less than 10 years to accumulate the 20% down payment in 45 cities.

Table with 5 columns and 45 rows. Currently displaying rows 1 to 25. Sorted ascending by column "Years to Save"
CityMedian Condo Price20% Down PaymentMedian Income
1Winston-Salem, NC$171,900$34,380$40,2333.4
2Cleveland, OH$179,000$35,800$42,2453.6
3San Antonio, TX$184,000$36,800$45,7863.6
4Tallahassee, FL$178,400$35,680$41,4433.7
5Houston, TX$227,400$45,480$50,5684.9
6St. Louis, MO$220,000$44,000$45,9695.1
7Indianapolis, IN$230,600$46,120$48,9795.2
8Cincinnati, OH$223,000$44,600$45,2605.3
9Hartford, CT$255,600$51,120$53,8985.7
10Syracuse, NY$247,400$49,480$49,5895.8
11Colorado Springs, CO$264,900$52,980$54,8195.9
12Louisville, KY$224,700$44,940$41,5445.9
13New Orleans, LA$211,700$42,340$36,6735.9
14Rochester, NY$239,700$47,940$45,7786.0
15Dallas, TX$276,600$55,320$55,8766.2
16New Haven, CT$262,700$52,540$51,4706.2
17Detroit, MI$240,000$48,000$43,8716.3
18Chicago, IL$282,200$56,440$55,1186.5
19Washington, DC$370,800$74,160$81,9176.5
20Atlanta, GA$292,300$58,460$55,0726.9
21Jacksonville, FL$275,000$55,000$48,9257.0
22Philadelphia, PA$283,700$56,740$51,2597.1
23Virginia Beach, VA$279,400$55,880$49,5477.1
24Baltimore, MD$307,600$61,520$56,8757.2
25Portland, OR$325,500$65,100$60,4647.4