IndicatorSmart LockFinal Results
The product life cycle is communicated to the potential owner before purchase.
  • While the lock’s manufacturer offers a warranty on the operation of the physical lock as well as the electronics of the “smart” portion of the lock, nowhere in the documentation is there any statement that the service will continue to be available for a set period of time.
Every feature of the product will continue to work the stated product life cycle; that is, the manufacturer will not 'brick' certain parts of the product during that time frame.
  • The manufacturer of the lock makes no explicit claims about the life cycle of the lock, however it does have the ability to unilaterally disable some of the lock’s functionality due to its reliance on the manufacturer’s servers to lock and unlock.
The manufacturer will not cease to support the functionality I come to expect during the product life cycle.
  • The manufacturer of the lock does not provide a life cycle for the lock, and therefore does not promise to support its functionality through the life cycle.
Replacement services will exist if the manufacturer ceases to support the functionality during the product life cycle.
  • The lock manufacturer does not provide for a product life cycle, nor does it address the existence of replacement services should it cease to support the lock’s functionality.
The company commits that, in the event the company is sold or acquired, the new owner will maintain the intended functionality for the full product life cycle.
  • The lock manufacturer makes no claims about the actions of any future owner of the company.