CompanyGrasim Industries (Standalone)
Revenue (in Rs crore)6,356
Ebitda (in Rs crore)516
Ebitda Margin8.1%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)159
CompanyOne 97 Communications 
Revenue (in Rs crore)2,343
Ebitda (in Rs crore)−236
Ebitda Margin-
Net Profit (in Rs crore)−431
CompanyPower Grid
Revenue (in Rs crore)10,594
Ebitda (in Rs crore)10,634
Ebitda Margin100.4%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)4,160
CompanyRamco Cements 
Revenue (in Rs crore)2,504
Ebitda (in Rs crore)463
Ebitda Margin18.5%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)135
CompanyStar Cement 
Revenue (in Rs crore)900
Ebitda (in Rs crore)180
Ebitda Margin20.0%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)99
CompanySun Pharmaceutical 
Revenue (in Rs crore)12,233
Ebitda (in Rs crore)3,234
Ebitda Margin26.4%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)2,441
CompanySundram Fasteners 
Revenue (in Rs crore)1,434
Ebitda (in Rs crore)222
Ebitda Margin15.4%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)120
CompanyTeamlease Services 
Revenue (in Rs crore)2,483
Ebitda (in Rs crore)(EBIT)  22.44
Ebitda Margin(EBIT Margin)  0.9%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)34
CompanyTorrent Power 
Revenue (in Rs crore)7,091
Ebitda (in Rs crore)1,231
Ebitda Margin17.4%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)509
CompanyPg Electroplast 
Revenue (in Rs crore)1,124
Ebitda (in Rs crore)89
Ebitda Margin7.9%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)57
CompanyMax Healthcare Institute 
Revenue (in Rs crore)1,796
Ebitda (in Rs crore)502
Ebitda Margin27.9%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)354
CompanyMetro Brands 
Revenue (in Rs crore)596
Ebitda (in Rs crore)156
Ebitda Margin26.2%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)71
CompanyMinda Corp 
Revenue (in Rs crore)1,201
Ebitda (in Rs crore)134
Ebitda Margin11.2%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)60
CompanyIndigo Paints 
Revenue (in Rs crore)388
Ebitda (in Rs crore)87
Ebitda Margin22.4%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)56
CompanyJubilant Foodworks 
Revenue (in Rs crore)1,331
Ebitda (in Rs crore)274
Ebitda Margin20.6%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)50
CompanyKaveri Seed 
Revenue (in Rs crore)74
Ebitda (in Rs crore)−18
Ebitda Margin-
Net Profit (in Rs crore)−11
CompanyAvanti Feeds 
Revenue (in Rs crore)1,231
Ebitda (in Rs crore)109
Ebitda Margin8.9%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)37
CompanyDB Corp
Revenue (in Rs crore)576
Ebitda (in Rs crore)150
Ebitda Margin26.0%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)101
CompanyFsn E-Commerce Ventures 
Revenue (in Rs crore)1,631
Ebitda (in Rs crore)88
Ebitda Margin5.4%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)13
CompanyGarden Reach Shipbuilders 
Revenue (in Rs crore)824
Ebitda (in Rs crore)59
Ebitda Margin7.1%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)103
CompanyGland Pharma 
Revenue (in Rs crore)1,532
Ebitda (in Rs crore)362
Ebitda Margin23.6%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)239
CompanyGMM Pfaudler
Revenue (in Rs crore)925
Ebitda (in Rs crore)148
Ebitda Margin16.0%
Net Profit (in Rs crore)75
Table with 5 columns and 22 rows.
Grasim Industries (Standalone) 6,3565168.1%159
One 97 Communications  2,343−236-−431
Power Grid10,59410,634100.4%4,160
Ramco Cements  2,50446318.5%135
Star Cement  90018020.0%99
Sun Pharmaceutical  12,2333,23426.4%2,441
Sundram Fasteners  1,43422215.4%120
Teamlease Services  2,483(EBIT)  22.44(EBIT Margin)  0.9%34
Torrent Power  7,0911,23117.4%509
Pg Electroplast  1,124897.9%57
Max Healthcare Institute  1,79650227.9%354
Metro Brands  59615626.2%71
Minda Corp  1,20113411.2%60
Indigo Paints  3888722.4%56
Jubilant Foodworks  1,33127420.6%50
Kaveri Seed  74−18-−11
Avanti Feeds  1,2311098.9%37
DB Corp57615026.0%101
Fsn E-Commerce Ventures  1,631885.4%13
Garden Reach Shipbuilders  824597.1%103
Gland Pharma  1,53236223.6%239
GMM Pfaudler92514816.0%75