Rank | School | Average GRE Score | Percentage of Students Reporting GRE |
2 | Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) | 324 | 21.0% |
45 | Kennesaw State University | 322.5 | 1.9% |
43 | University of Cincinnati (Lindner) | 320 | 1.0% |
1 | Indiana University (Kelley) | 315 | 13.0% |
5 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) | 314 | 4.0% |
6 | Lehigh University | 314 | 16.0% |
13 | University of Maryland (Smith) | 314 | 7.4% |
9 | University of Washington (Foster) | 314 | 49.0% |