Cases of mpox in Africa in 2024

Since the beginning of this year, a total of 17,541 cases (2,822 confirmed; 14,719 suspected) and 517 deaths [case fatality rate (CFR): 2.95%] of mpox have been reported from 13 Africa Union (AU) Member States.

Since the beginning of this year, a total of 17,541 cases (2,822" confirmed; 14,719 suspected) and 517 deaths [case fatality rate (CFR): 2.95%] of mpox have been reported from 13 Africa Union (AU) Member States (MS): Burundi (226 cases; 0 death), Cameroon (35; 2), Central Africa Republic (CAR) (258; 0), Congo (169; 1), Côte d'Ivoire (2; 0), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (16,789; 511), Ghana (4; 0), Liberia (5; 0) Kenya (1; 0), Nigeria (24; 0), Rwanda (2; 0), South Africa (24; 3) and Uganda (2; 0). This week, 2,542 new cases and 56 new deaths of mpox were reported from five AU MS: Burundi, CAR, Congo, DRC, and South Africa.