[ P.A.C.E. Examples ]

Showing the Primary, Alternative, Contingency and Emergency planning examples

1. Seeing in the Dark Primary: Headlamp for hands-free operation. Alternative: LED light built into a hat. Contingency: Compact pen torch. Emergency: Smartphone light. 2. Getting home from work Primary: Personal car. Alternative: Train followed by bus service Contingency: Taxi or Uber (expensive, this may switch with the alternative depending on circumstances) Emergency: Walking 3. Communication Primary: Mobile phone. Alternative: Landline telephone. Contingency: Two-way radio. Emergency: 4. Power Outages Primary: Electrical grid power. Alternative: Battery Pack Powerbank Contingency: Petrol Generator Emergency: Candles or fire. 5. Water Availability Primary: Municipal water supply. Alternative: Bottled water. Contingency: Water purification tablets or filters. Emergency: Collecting rainwater or distilling water. 6. Major Disaster (e.g., Earthquake) Primary: Staying in a secure home structure. Alternative: Community shelters. Contingency: A pre-prepared bug-out bag for quick evacuation. Emergency: Makeshift shelter or seeking help from emergency services