A Selection of Bylined Xi Speeches, Late 2024

Table with 3 columns and 5 rows.
December 17, 2024Speech at a Symposium in Memory of Qiao Shi’s BirthdayCommemorating Qiao Shi’s example of Party loyalty and humble work at the grassroots
December 20, 2024Speech at the Welcome Dinner for Macao’s 25th AnniversaryReviewing the success of Macao’s policies since the handover, credits them to “one-party, two systems”
November 20, 2024Speech at G20 Summit in Rio de JaneiroCalls for global cooperation to help nations in the Global South develop
October 1, 2024Speech at the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRDSays process of China’s national rejuvenation has only been possible through the Party, and to ensure it in future through long-term Party policies
September 27, 2024Speech at the National Conference on Commending National Unity and ProgressReviews historical efforts at ethnic unity, urges continued solidarity to achieve national rejuvenation