Percent change in prices nationally compared with January 2025 and February 2024.
Food | 0.2% | 2.6% |
Food at home (groceries) | 0.1% | 1.9% |
Meat/poultry/fish and eggs | 1.7% | 7.7% |
Meat/poultry/fish | 0.2% | 3.0% |
Uncooked ground beef | 2.7% | 7.8% |
Chicken | −0.1% | 2.1% |
Eggs | 12.5% | 58.8% |
Dairy and related products | −1.0% | 0.8% |
Milk | −0.6% | 1.5% |
Food away from home (restaurants) | 0.4% | 3.7% |
Energy services (electricity & utility piped gas) | 0.8% | 3.3% |
Apparel | 3.4% | 0.6% |