Fake Electors at the 2024 Republican National Convention

Table with 3 columns and 20 rows.
AZNancy CottleDelegate
AZJake HoffmanNational Committeeman
AZAnthony KernDelegate
GAMark AmickDelegate
GABrad CarverDelegate
GAPat Garland*Delegate
GADavid ShaferDelegate
MIKathy BerdenNational Committeewoman
MIMeshawn MaddockDelegate
NVJim DeGraffenreidNational Committeeman
NVJim HindleVice Chair
NVJesse LawDelegate
NVMichel J. McDonaldChair
NVEileen RiceDelegate
PAAndy ReillyNational Committeeman
PALawrence Tabas*Chair
PAChristine J. Toretti*National Committeewoman
WITom Schreibel*National Committeeman
WIRobert Spindell Jr.Delegate (alternate)
WIPam TravisDelegate