This chart shows the percentage of women by ethnicity in the various bargaining units. 45% of Hispanic women work in Units 1, 7, and 18 while 32% are in units that earn less and 22% are in units that earn more. 45% of Native American or Alaska Native women work in Units 1, 7, and 18 while 31% are in units that earn less and 24% are in units that earn more. 58% of Pacific Islander women work in Units 1, 7, and 18 while 27% work in units that earn less and 15% are in units that earn more. 48% of Black women work in Units 1, 7, and 18 while 32% are in units that earn less and 20% are in units that earn more. 51% of White women work in Units 1, 7, and 18 while 21% are in units that earn less and 28% are in units that earn more. 55% of Asian women work in Units 1, 7, and 18 while 18% are in units that earn less and 27% are in units that earn more. 49% of all women work in Units 1, 7, and 18 while 21% are in units that earn less and 25% are in units that earn more.
Native American or Alaska Native