Chart 22: Percentage of Women in High-Level Exempt Positions in 2012 and 2022

This chart shows the percentage of women in high-level exempt positions in 2012 and 2022. Women held 29% (2) of secretary positions in 2012 and 56% (5) of secretary positions in 2022. Women held 29% (2) of undersecretary positions in 2012 and 63% (5) of undersecretary positions in 2022. Women held 56% (20) of deputy secretary positions in 2012 and 53% (53) of deputy secretary positions in 2022. Women held 45% (78) of director positions in 2012 and 54% (101) of director positions in 2022. Women held 41% (19) of chief deputy director positions in 2012 and 60% (39) of chief deputy director positions in 2022. Women held 47% (96) of deputy director positions in 2012 and 52% (201) of deputy director positions in 2022. Overall, women held 46% (217) of all high-level executive positions in 2012 and 55% (404) of all high-level executive positions in 2022.