UCLA (Anderson) again topped student scoring with a 4.8 average, comfortably ahead of Indiana University (Kelley) at 4.62 and the University of Virginia (Darden) at 4.53. The big shakeups, however, came at the University of Chicago (Booth), whose average dropped from 4.70 to 4.46. Similarly, the University of North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) experience a similar fall, going from 4.45 to 4.15. However, the biggest student dissatisfaction originated at Europe. HEC Paris posted the lowest score among top MBA programs, at 2.75, down .53 of a point from 2015. This decline nearly matched IE Business School, which plummeted from 4.13 to 3.59. At the opposite end, MIT (Sloan)’s Career Development office enjoyed the biggest gain, going from 3.79 to 4.28.