Figure 1.5.1 - Total Obligations to Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects by Year

Prior to the landmark Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act in 1991, federal transportation programs had spent less than $48 million on bicycle and pedestrian projects in the preceding 18 years. The 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act created a 10% set-aside for Transportation Alternatives projects from the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, which amounted to $1.38 billion in FY2022.

Prior to the landmark Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act in 1991, federal transportation programs had spent less than $48 million on bicycle and pedestrian projects in the preceding 18 years. The 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act created a 10% set-aside for Transportation Alternatives projects from the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, which amounted to $1.38 billion in FY2022.