Allstate | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Good student, New car, Anti-theft device, Anti-lock brakes, Safe driving club, Early signing, FullPay (pay in full), Responsible payer, Paperless, Smart student, Teen driver, Senior driver
Amica | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Loyalty, Claim-free, Good student, Homeowner, E-discount (paperless), AutoPay (automatic payments), Anti-theft device, Anti-lock brakes, Defensive driving
Auto-Owners | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Good student, Paid in full, Green (hybrid/electric) vehicle, Safety features, Anti-theft device, Teen driver monitoring, Paperless, Advance quote
Farmers | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Good student, Homeowner, Professional group, Pay in full, Paperless, Anti-theft device, Hybrid vehicle, Safe driver, Defensive driving
Nationwide | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Good student, Defensive driving, Anti-theft device, Accident-free, Paperless, SmartRide (safe driving program), Easy Pay (automatic payments), New vehicle, Safe driver
Progressive | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Good student, Homeowner, Continuous insurance, Teen driver, Online quote, Paperless, Pay in full, Safe driver (Snapshot), Anti-theft device, Anti-lock brakes, Distant student, Automatic payment, Defensive driving
Safeco | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Homeowner, Good student, Teen safe driver, New teen driver, Distant student, Accident-free, Violation-free, New vehicle, Anti-theft device, Anti-lock brakes, RightTrack (safe driving program)
State Farm | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Good student, Defensive driving, Driver training, Accident-free, Anti-theft device, Anti-lock brakes, Drive Safe & Save (safe driving program), Steer Clear (young driver program), Passive restraint system
The Hartford | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Good student, Defensive driving, Driver training, Anti-theft device, Hybrid vehicle, Airbags, Anti-lock brakes, New car replacement, Accident forgiveness, Bundle auto and home
Travelers | Multi-policy, Multi-car, Homeowner, Good student, Early quote, New car, Safe driver, Continuous insurance, Pay in full, Driver training, Hybrid/electric vehicle, EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) |