Az ábra lapozható, a települések kereshetőek, és a lista az egyes oszlopok alapján növekvő vagy csökkenő sorrendbe állítható az oszlopok fejlécére kattintva.
Budapest 23. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 6 to 3. | 39 | 15 | 34,1% |
Hódmezővásárhely | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 16 to 0. | 481 | 202 | 33,8% |
Sopron | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 77 to 22. | 718 | 290 | 30,4% |
Budapest 05. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 106 to 10. | 1 024 | 208 | 19% |
Budapest 02. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 23 to 11. | 427 | 90 | 18,1% |
Budapest 19. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 34 to 0. | 644 | 134 | 17,8% |
Szeged | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 164 to 49. | 3 448 | 676 | 16,8% |
Budapest 22. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 21 to 11. | 567 | 114 | 16,7% |
Budapest 07. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 68 to 46. | 2 393 | 352 | 13,1% |
Érd | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 3 to 0. | 64 | 8 | 10,7% |
Budapest 12. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 19 to 20. | 1 082 | 114 | 9,7% |
Budapest 13. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 179 to 119. | 5 602 | 584 | 9% |
Budapest 15. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 26 to 45. | 1 873 | 181 | 8,8% |
Budapest 20. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 4 to 1. | 620 | 61 | 8,7% |
Kecskemét | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 1 to 14. | 1 271 | 118 | 8,3% |
Budapest 08. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 60 to 15. | 4 121 | 365 | 7,8% |
Budapest 21. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 54 to 2. | 1 402 | 108 | 7,4% |
Szolnok | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 25 to 13. | 1 406 | 103 | 6,8% |
Budapest 16. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 2 to 1. | 260 | 18 | 6,6% |
Budapest 06. ker. | Small line chart with 7 values, ranging from 9 to 1. | 1 042 | 65 | 6% |