Nome atto legislativo
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Voto Salvini
mercoledì 17 dicembre 20141418774400000Quality of petrol and diesel fuels - Motion for resolution : vote: resolutionbocciatobocciato
martedì 28 aprile 20151430179200000Fuel quality directive and renewable energy directive - Draft legislative resolution : Text as a whole - Block No 1, amendment 97 - ordinary legislative procedure, second readingapprovatoastenuto
martedì 28 aprile 20151430179200000Reducing the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags - Draft legislative resolution : Proposal to reject the Council position,amendment 1 - ordinary legislative procedure, second readingbocciatobocciato
mercoledì 20 maggio 20151432080000000Outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa affecting olive trees (Motion by EFDD & GUE/NGL) - Motion for resolution : vote: resolutionbocciatoassente
mercoledì 20 maggio 20151432080000000Outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa affecting olive trees - Motion for resolution : vote: resolutionapprovatoassente
mercoledì 10 giugno 20151433894400000EU-Iceland agreement on Iceland participation in the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol - Draft legislative resolution : approbation - consent approvatobocciato
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