Two of the nation's top-performing Medicare shared savings Accountable Care organizations in 2022, in bold, had patients in Southeastern Pennsylvania. The ACOs are ranked by the savings rate, which shows how much the ACO reduced expenses compared to a benchmark set by federal Medicare regulators. Shared savings, in millions, is the amount the ACO got to keep.
Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin | Physicians ACO | 6,472 | 18.16% | $9.90 |
Pennsylvania | PA MSSP PMA | 5,342 | 16.74% | $7.69 |
Louisiana | LA MSSP 2016 | 14,816 | 15.10% | $19.28 |
Pennsylvania, Ohio | PA MSSP Legacy + Gateway | 25,277 | 14.43% | $29.93 |
California | Family Choice ACO | 9,201 | 14.31% | $12.39 |