Below are the amounts in federal TANF funds Mississippi reported spending in each category from 2015 to 2020. Spending in each category can vary drastically from year to year. From 2015-2017, the state transferred between $14.5 million to $17.3 million to the Child Care Development Fund, but it has not transferred any money to CCDF in the years since. Spending in the "Fatherhood" category -- how Mississippi labeled many of the payments to the now disgraced "Families First" initiative -- grew from $1.7 million in 2015 to nearly $40 million in 2018. Mississippi had accumulated a large unobligated balance of $47 million in unused federal TANF funds in 2016, but that was spent down to $8 million in 2018. By 2020, after the scandal broke, that unobligated balance had risen to $47 million. Federal reports for 2021 have not been released yet, but based on a Mississippi Today analysis of spending expenditures, it is likely that unobligated balance has grown.