Prompt2014/2015 Median2014/2015 Ranking2011/2012 MedianTrend
The availability of undergraduate course offerings in my college/school is excellent.3.923.923 (out of 13)3.703.70.220.22
The availability of graduate course offerings in my college/school is excellent.3.803.89 (out of 13)3.803.80.000
The technological resources in my classrooms meet my needs.4.134.136 (out of 13)4.684.68-0.55-0.55
I am provided sufficient graduate student support for my classes.3.433.435 (out of 13)3.0030.430.43
My teaching load is appropriate.3.813.819 (out of 13)3.833.83-0.02-0.02
The courses I am asked to teach are appropriate for me.4.254.258 (out of 13)4.364.36-0.11-0.11
Administrative and research buyouts in my college/school are handled well.3.363.368 (out of 13)
My dean actively promotes an environment for teaching excellence.3.253.2518 (out of 22)3.643.64-0.39-0.39

2014/2015 numbers based on a response rate of 33%, which totaled 58 Michigan Ross faculty members.