Initiation of collaboration between R8CC and IDOE to diversify the state’s educator pipeline. | R8CC collaboratively works with IDOE to develop initial plans for a pilot GYO Teacher program. | Launch and implementation of the GYO pilot program. | R8CC facilitates a community of practice and additional training for mentor teachers. |
IDOE's response to Indiana’s teacher shortage showcases the role of state education agencies to support districts and schools innovatively. | Synthesizing resources and research, including mentoring, marketing, and implementation strategies. | Introduction of a paid residency program. | Ongoing Indiana GYO initiative with R8CC extending capacity-building services to IDOE. |
| Creation of an RFP for districts applying as pilot sites for the GYO program. | Targeted support provided to one GYO pilot district, providing mentor training for 60 teachers. | |
| | IDOE, with the support of R8CC, increases its capacity to support pilot sites and gather data. | |