European schools remain the class of the custom and open enrollment sectors as Stanford and the University of Michigan take major steps in the 2016 FT ranking.
Rank | School | Custom Rank | Open Enrollment Rank |
11 | IESE | 11 | 22 |
22 | IMD | 44 | 11 |
33 | HEC Paris | 22 | 88 |
44 | Center for Creative Leadership | 77 | 66 |
55 | Harvard Business School | 1414 | 33 |
66 | London Business School | 55 | 1212 |
77 | INSEAD | 88 | 1111 |
88 | ESADE | 1818 | 77 |
99 | University of Michigan (Ross) | 2626 | 55 |
1010 | University of Oxford (Said) | 2323 | 99 |
1111 | Stanford Graduate School of Business | 1616 | 1515 |
1212 | ESMT - European School of Management and Technology | 2020 | 1313 |
1313 | MIT (Sloan) | 1717 | 1616 |
1414 | Essec Business School | 1515 | 1818 |
1515 | University of Virginia (Darden) | 4040 | 44 |
1616 | University of Chicago (Booth) | 2222 | 1414 |
1717 | Fundação Dom Cabral | 2828 | 1010 |
1818 | SDA Bocconi | 66 | 3939 |
1919 | Cranfield School of Management | 1010 | 3434 |
2020 | Henley Business School | 3333 | 2222 |
2121 | Wharton | 3939 | 1717 |
2222 | Ashridge Executive Education at Hult | 1919 | 3636 |
2323 | Thunderbird School of Global Management at ASU | 2424 | 3030 |
2424 | ESCP Europe | 2727 | 2828 |
2525 | CEIBS | 3838 | 2222 |
2626 | UCLA (Anderson) | 4848 | 1818 |
2727 | National University of Singapore | 1212 | 5353 |
2828 | Stockholm School of Economics | 3030 | 3131 |
2929 | Vlerick Business School | 3333 | 2929 |
3030 | Western University (Ivey) | 4242 | 2525 |
3131 | Columbia Business School | 5050 | 2424 |
3232 | Ipade Business School | 2020 | 5252 |
3232 | Incae Business School | 3232 | 4040 |
3434 | University of St. Gallen | 3737 | 3838 |
3535 | Melbourne Business School, Mount Eliza | 3535 | 4141 |
3636 | Edhec Business School | 2929 | 4848 |
3737 | Universidad de los Andres | 3131 | 5151 |
3838 | Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics | 4141 | 4242 |
3939 | York University (Schulich) | 5151 | 3232 |
4040 | University of Toronto (Rotman) | 6666 | 2020 |
4141 | EMLyon Business School | 4242 | 4343 |
4242 | University of Cambridge (Judge) | 5555 | 3232 |
4343 | University of Pretoria (Gibs) | 4545 | 4646 |
4444 | Eada Business School, Barcelona | 5454 | 4444 |
4545 | Aalto University | 6161 | 3737 |
4646 | IAE Business School | 4444 | 6161 |
4747 | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | 4747 | 5757 |
4848 | Insper | 5252 | 5454 |
4949 | BI Norwegian Business School | 5656 | 5858 |
5050 | Queen's University (Smith) | 8181 | 2626 |