NamePosition TitleEducationYears in Academia
Andrew SutherlandAssistant Professor of AccountingPhD, University of Chicago; MBA, Carnegie MellonZero
Dean EcklesAssistant Professor of MarketingPhD in communication, Stanford;MS in statistics, Stanford; BA in philosophy, Stanford; BS and MS in cognitive science, Stanford Zero
Erin KellyProfessor of Work and Organization StudiesPhD in sociology, Princeton University; MA in sociology, Princeton University; BA in sociology, Rice University15
Hazhir RahmandadAssistant Professor of System DynamicsPhD in management, MIT; BS in industrial engineering, Sharif University of TechnologyNine
Rahul MazumderAssistant Professor of Operations Research and StatisticsPhD in statistics, Stanford; MS and BS in statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, KolkataTwo
T. Tony KeAssistant Professor of MarketingPhD in operations research, UC-Berkeley; MA in statistics, MA in economics, University of California-Berkeley; BS in statistics and BS in physics, Peking University;Zero