Income Group Income Range Average Income Total Rebate 1000's Average Rebate Rebate as Share of Income Share of Total Rebate Share Receiving Rebate
Poorest 20% Less than $24,200$14,400 $69,417,400 $2,210 15.4%18.9%100.0%
Second 20% $24,200 to $43,400$33,800 $74,861,800 $2,390 7.1%20.4%100.0%
Middle 20% $43,400 to $69,800$55,500 $81,476,000 $2,600 4.7%22.2%100.0%
Fourth 20% $69,800 to $118,700$90,800 $86,565,800 $2,760 3.0%23.6%81.0%
Next 15% $118,700 to $263,000$167,200 $41,819,200 $1,780 1.1%11.4%46.0%
Next 4% $263,000 to $643,700$382,600 $931,500 $150 0.0%0.3%4.0%
Richest 1% $643,700 or more$2,012,400 $33,500 $20 0.0%0.0%1.0%
ALL $95,900$366,705,200$2,2602.4%100.0%84.0%
Bottom 60% Less than $69,800$34,600$225,755,200$2,4006.9%61.6%100.0%
The House Democratic bill would provide rebates of $1,500 for each spouse and for each child under age 17.
Rebates would start to phase out for adjusted gross income (AGI) exceeding $150,000 for married couples, $75,000 for singles, and $112,500 for single parents.