Criteria: A product has an authentication system that corresponds to the sensitivity of the user data it manages.
IndicatorSmart LockFinal Results
If a product supports user accounts, it has an authentication system for accessing those accounts.
  • The app requires the creation of an account on their system, and the creation of a password before allowing any further action.
If a product is packaged with an account with default credentials, those credentials are unique to the instance of the product.
  • The app does not have default credentials, you are instead forced to create new credentials in order to do anything.
If a product has an authentication system, the user must authenticate each time they want to use the product.
  • The app does not make you reauthenticate after restarts or reboots of the device.
If a product has an authentication system, it requires at least two pieces of information to authenticate users.
  • The app requires an email address, password, and SMS number. It sends verification codes to the email address, as well as via SMS.
For products that handle sufficiently sensitive data, users can choose to use multi-factor authentication.
  • The app handles potentially sensitive data, such as locational information, and has far reaching permissions, and there does not appear to be an option to allow multi-factor authentication within the app.
For products that handle sufficiently sensitive data, users can choose to use multi-factor authentication whenever the product is activated, or when a device is unrecognized.
  • There does not appear to be an option to allow regular multi-factor authentication within the app.
If the product uses a password/passphrase for authentication, it requires that passwords are at least 8 characters long.
  • The app requires the password to be at least 8 characters.
If the product uses a password/passphrase for authentication, the password/passphrase may be at least 20 characters long.
  • The app did not enforce an upper limit on any of the tested passphrases.
If the product uses a password/passphrase for authentication, it requires that passwords are reasonably complex.
  • The app requires passwords to be 8 characters long, and requires one each of an upper-case letter, a lower-case letter, a number, and a special character.
If the product uses a password/passphrase for authentication, it allows all reasonable characters as input.
  • The app allowed all special characters that were attempted.
If the product uses a password/passphrase for authentication, it is compatible with popular password managers.
  • On the login screen, the app allowed the copy/paste function from a password manager to input username and password.
Criteria: A product that has an authentication system resists attempts to break it.
IndicatorSmart LockFinal Results
The product allows users to be notified via an out-of-band medium when account security settings are changed.
  • The app does not allow for or send out-of-band notifications, such as by email or text message, whenever a user changes a security setting.
To change a password/passphrase/pin, a user must enter the previous password/passphrase/pin, or have access to a secondary system that is used to reset it.
  • Logged in: When you are already signed into the app, it does not require entering an old password, or confirmation via a secondary system to change a password.
  • Not logged in: When you are not logged in and click “forgot my password,” the app requires a mobile number, or an email address.

The product notifies users when account security settings have changed.
  • The app does not notify users when account security settings have changed.
If the product has an authentication system, it also has a system to prevent brute-force/dictionary attacks.
  • The app does not seem to limit the number of login attempts in any way.