Allstate | Safe driving, multi-policy, accident forgiveness, early signing discount, and a pay-per-mile program for drivers who don't use their car frequently.
Erie | Safe driver discount, multi-policy discount, young driver discount, vehicle safety equipment discount, and a first accident forgiveness program.
Farmers | Multi-policy discount, safe driver discount, pay-in-full discount, and a discount for vehicles with anti-theft devices.
Geico | Defensive driving, good driver, multi-policy, military discount, federal employee discount, and an emergency deployment discount for active-duty military.
Liberty Mutual | RightTrack usage-based program, good driver discount, multi-policy discount, hybrid/EV discount, and an accident forgiveness program.
Nationwide | SmartRide usage-based discount, good driver discount, multi-policy discount, defensive driving course discount, and anti-theft device discount.
Progressive | Snapshot usage-based discount, multi-policy discount, good driver discount, pay-in-full discount, and a continuous insurance discount.
State Farm | Drive Safe & Save program, multi-policy discount, good driver discount, accident-free discount, and an anti-theft discount.
Travelers | IntelliDrive program, good driver discount, multi-policy discount, safe vehicle discount, and a new car discount.
USAA | Safe driver discount, multi-policy discount, good student discount, military installation discount, and a loyalty discount for long-term members. |