The table provides a detailed breakdown of the percentage of individuals experiencing loneliness across various subgroups. The global average for experiencing loneliness is 23%. When broken down by gender, both men and women report a similar percentage of 22% and 23%, respectively. Age-wise, the percentages are consistent across the board, with 22% for ages 15 to 29, 23% for ages 30 to 49, and 22% for those 50 and older. A notable difference is observed when considering feelings about household income. Those living comfortably on their present income report a significantly lower percentage of loneliness at 15%, compared with those just getting by at 17%. The percentage rises sharply to 32% for individuals who find it difficult to live on their present income, indicating a strong correlation between financial stress and loneliness. Marital status also shows variation, with 19% of married individuals or those in a domestic partnership experiencing loneliness, in contrast to 28% of those who are not married.