Figure 2.4.3 - Pedestrian Fatalities per Pedestrian Commuters by State Over Time

Overall, the rate of pedestrian fatalities per pedestrian commuters in the United States increased dramatically between 2013 and 2022. Only three states saw a decrease in this pedestrian fatality rate over this time period - Delaware, Maine, and Rhode Island. This type of metric is a proxy for volume-based risk metrics commonly used by traffic safety agencies and is used because no volume estimates exist for walking in the United States.

Overall, the rate of pedestrian fatalities per pedestrian commuters in the United States increased dramatically between 2013 and 2022. Only three states saw a decrease in this pedestrian fatality rate over this time period - Delaware, Maine, and Rhode Island. This type of metric is a proxy for volume-based risk metrics commonly used by traffic safety agencies and is used because no volume estimates exist for walking in the United States.